Thursday 14 January 2010

Wedding Ceremony Checklist

Okay, the big day is finally here, and in mere moments the wedding ceremony will begin! At this point, all of the big stuff should be under control, but there are still a few finishing touches to be put in place. Make sure that you do not overlook anything with this wedding ceremony checklist.

First, the maid of honor or the bride's mother should spend a few minutes carefully looking over the bridal ensemble. The bride wants to look as perfect as possible when she makes her grand entrance, after all. Check to be sure that her veil is securely anchored and the headpiece is nice and straight. What about the bridal jewelry? Are her earrings properly fastened? Have any clasps on pieces of bridal jewelry slid to the front?

Then take a good look at the wedding gown itself. Have all the layers of the petticoat been pulled straight and given a good fluff? (Crinolines are notorious for getting bunched up under a wedding gown.) If the bridal gown has those little hanging straps, be sure that they are completed tucked into the side of the gown or better yet, just cut them out. Then do the same for the bridesmaids. If the bride's dress has any bows or ribbons, make sure that they are tied perfectly and that the ends hang well. Does the bride have her something old, new, borrowed, and blue? And finally, someone should make certain that the bride does not have any lipstick on her teeth!

The groom has a few last minute tasks to undertake as well before taking his place at the altar. Is his breath fresh? If not, he can quickly pop a mint or a piece of gum. But for goodness sake, take the gum out of your mouth before the ceremony begins! I have actually witnessed grooms chewing gum while reciting their vows, and it looks absolutely terrible. Speaking of vows, if you have written your own for the ceremony, be sure you have them in your jacket pocket. The groom should also take a moment to comb his hair, straighten his tie, and adjust his boutonierre, if needed.

The wedding party should also get themselves ready before the ceremony music begins. Bridesmaids, if you need to adjust your strapless gown, this is the time to do it! Please resist the urge to tug on your dress while standing at the altar. Make sure that you have your bouquet close at hand, and that when you pick it up to process down the aisle, any bows or ribbon streamers are facing out. Like the bride, the bridesmaids should make sure that their makeup is fresh and unsmudged, and that their jewelry is secure with clasps hidden.

The best man has one incredibly important thing to check before the wedding ceremony, and that is the wedding bands. He should have them tucked into a breast pocket, ready to produce for the ring exchange portion of the ceremony. The best man can also do everyone a favor by ensuring that the groomsmen do not talk the groom into having too many celebratory drinks right before the ceremony. He would also be a good person to make sure that the troops are in order: shirts neatly tucked in, boutonierres in place, ties straight, and so on. With everyone looking their best, the wedding will be ready to go!

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