Wednesday 6 January 2010

Effective Office Teeth Whitening Treatments

A beautiful smile increases one's face value and the first impression of people. However, a stained and discoloured set of teeth can make us hesitant and conscious while smiling. They have an adverse effect on a person's personality and confidence level. A bad set of teeth can also be a result of prolong medication especially consisting of antibiotics, chain smoking, regular intake of alcohol especially red wine, coffee or tea addiction, etc. However, do not lose heart as effective teeth whitening are now possible, and also affordable!

With advancement in technology and medical sciences, top dentists all over the world has come up with the most effective teeth whitening treatments that have become very popular over time. Now everyone can display a sparkling smile! This is possible due to many effective at-office or in-chair whitening dental treatments.

Sydney, Australia is particularly a renowned place that provides numerous dental whitening treatments. Though these treatments used to be very expensive till some time back, they are now extremely affordable. Moreover, with more advanced technology and techniques being used, the result is very much close to the natural look.

Some of the most popular and effective whitening in-office treatments are as follows:

•Brite Smile: This is a professional teeth whitening system that is performed by a practicing dentist or better a professional dentist. It includes a whitening gel that contains a gentle hydrogen peroxide bleaching agent. This gel is activated by a patented light beam, which operates only in a gentle blue spectrum. It is a very effective treatment that brightens the teeth to a considerable extent in an hour's time.

•Zoom Whitening Treatment: In this process, the lips and your gums are first secured by pulling them away from the teeth with the help of a retractor and then covered with a protective shield. Next, the zoom whitening gel is directly applied generously all over the teeth, in a balance manner. After keeping the gel on for fifteen minutes, a bright light which is called, a UV rays beam, is focused on the teeth of the patient. This process is repeated thrice so that you can really see the effect. The light beam is used to activate the gel, actually to activate the bleaching agent, which called the peroxide which is found in the gel. The whitening gel then releases oxygen molecules that break stains and discoloration, and removes the discoloration, revealing sparkling set of white teeth.

•Rembrandt Treatment: It is the one of the latest breakthroughs in the field of whitening. In this treatment, a powerful light bleaching agent is used. The Rembrandt one-hour whitening system results are amazing. This treatment can lighten up the shade of your teeth up to 10 times. The treatment takes just one hour.

These treatments are breakthrough in the field of cosmetic dentistry and have proved to be a boom for many people. But before using any of these products it is still best to ask your dentist for proper advice whether you can use any these particular product.

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