Sunday 11 January 2009

Natural Way To Reduce Stress

Stress is the emotional and physical strain caused by our response to pressure from the outside world. Common stress reactions include tension, irritability, inability to concentrate, and a variety of physical symptoms that include headache and a fast heartbeat.
It's almost impossible to live without some stress. And most of us wouldn't want to, because it gives life some spice and excitement. But if stress gets out of control, it may harm your health, your relationships, and your enjoyment of life.
When you have about a week's worth of diary entries, study them. See which of them are caused by external events (for example, other people making you late) and which are mostly caused by your own way of thinking or feeling (for example, you are worried about something that may never happen).
In some cases, you may find that stress is caused by a combination of internal and external factors. For example, you might be worried about the cost of fixing the car, and make it worse by blaming yourself for not earning more money.
Experts say that stress is normal thing, and we can agree: daily life is sometimes filled by things you dislike. Stress is something natural. Though, we would feel better if we can deal with those sources of stress, so that we can make our days feel better. Moreover, we can handle our stressing situations without relying too much to pills. Coping with those sources, we have greater opportunity to deal with stress in natural ways, reduce usage of chemical substances; in short, live a healthy lifestyle (LOHAS, lifestyle of health and sustainability).
Get rid of the sources as many as possible. If your desk is messed with scattered papers, rearrange them. If something disheartens on the way to your daily workplace, try to take another way to the same place. Sort out disordered things in your home by selecting the useful ones and throwing away the things that bother you. Make your life simple by eliminating those complicated things.
Be a realistic one. It's a good idea what are your more-and-less habits. You don't have to make a too-high goals for yourself, you too are able to cut down the laziness or too-slow habit that eventually will make you feel guilty. Make a list and try to set a happy daily targets.
Predict some stressing situations, and evade them. If you are asked by friend to play chess and you feel it would be uneasy for you, decline the invitation. If you know that chess is something stressing for you, you have no reason to play it.
Rivalry with others, whether in achievement, look or wealth is often disturbing. Try to avoid provocation on such issues and build your own setting or condition where you are in power of yourself. You don't have to do things you actually don't need to, even do it driven by envy. So, stay secure with yourself.
Do one thing in one time. When you are having your breakfast, you don't have to watch television or reading your moorning newspaper. It really helpful if you feel good in doing one thing totally, in a full enjoyment.
If you feel that you are stressed until you are physically disturbed (headaches, stomachaches or feeling restless), see the physician or therapist. There are experts to help you accurately

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