Friday 30 January 2009

The Truth About Water Purification Technology

Water purification technology has advanced tremendously in the past few years, particularly in the area of home filtration systems. Here’s a brief look at some of the different methods of water purification available today.
Distillation is very old water purification technology, but it is still commonly used. It was first developed, not as one of the methods of water purification, but to create alcohol. In archaeological excavations from Pakistan to South Asia, alcohol distillers have been found. A simple explanation of the process follows.
Liquid is brought to a boil and it vaporizes. The vapor travels through a tube, where it enters another chamber, cools down and once again becomes a liquid. Anything that has a higher boiling point than the liquid or cannot be vaporized in the steam remains in the first pot.
This is one of the methods of water purification that leaves the minerals behind and causes an acid pH. It has been learned that for drinking purposes, de-mineralization and acid pH levels are not healthy.
Advancements in water purification technology have aimed at removing chemical and biological contaminants, without destroying the natural mineral content and pH level.
Reverse osmosis is often touted as the latest in water purification technology, when in fact it has been around for at least 50 years. It was developed for use in industries and large scale treatment facilities. In the 1970s, it became popularized as one of the healthiest methods of water purification for the home.
It was truly a boon to water purification technology, since it can be used to remove salt. In coastal areas and island communities, this is an important and desirable feature. Basically, it works by pressurizing and forcing liquids through a porous membrane. The size of the pores determines what is removed and what travels through.
RO is another of the methods of water purification that de-mineralizes, so not the healthiest for drinking. There are several other disadvantages to the system. It creates wastewater that cannot be used for drinking or other purposes. It operates slowly and requires electrical energy.
Chemical contaminants, such as we face today are not removed. And, additional steps are required to remove bacteria and bacterial cysts. For home purifiers, water purification technology has advanced beyond this method.
In most of our homes, the liquid that flows from our kitchen taps has been through a number of methods of water purification. Treatment facilities vary, but depending on where you live, the methods of water purification used by major facilities include RO, membrane and ultra-filtration, flocculation, UV radiation and, of course, chemical disinfection.
The use of chemicals to kill bacteria and disinfect was, at the turn of the century, a major leap forward in water purification technology.
Before its introduction, there were numerous outbreaks of cholera, typhoid and other diseases relating to bacterial contamination. It appears that what was good for our society in general was bad for the health of the individual.
One of the chemicals most commonly used for disinfection is chlorine. When it is used at the treatment facility, other chemical by-products (THMs) are released. Both, THMs and chlorine, as well as their gases and vapors, have been linked to cancer and a variety of other health problems.
New advancements in water purification technology for the home are aimed at removing those threats. One of the best methods of water purification for this purpose is carbon filtration.
Chemicals and other contaminants stick to the filter, making the output safer to drink. This method also removes odor and improves taste. Most of the newest home purifiers make use of this technology.
This was a brief overview of water purification technology. It would be impossible in an article of this length to cover the subject in its entirety, but hopefully, you are now a little more informed.

Sunday 18 January 2009

Choose a HTML Editor before you can begin designing your new website!

Form follows function before designing your website there are quite a few important factors to think. When designing your website, there is one vital point you need to keep in mind – your website serves as a platform to display your catalogue of products to your customers. For more details go to similarly, thinking about the navigation, how the site will work, and why users are coming to your site will give you better insight to what you need to reach when designing a new website.Below are 10 tips and behavior that I have originate very practical that you can use even as designing your fast loading website. When designing your menu and website navigation, do create it simple and intuitive. This will also help you with creating and designing your T-Shirts and shop/website to suit your goal spectators. Keywords And Search terms your business keywords and search terms are also critical consideration when designing your website.Overlap layers – when designing your website, layers can be quite useful. Not only are you selling your product or service, you’re marketing it, doing the accounting, paying the bills, answering the phones, designing and updating your website and preparing and sending out mail. Below are 10 SEO friendly website designing tips where web designers should pay attention to during the early stage of their web designing process. “Well, driving high traffic to your site is important, but what's even more important, is designing a website that makes them stay.
Layout: Layout is extremely important in designing your website. By avoiding this concern and designing your website with your user’s goals and needs in mind you will create a more positive user experience. The number one most important thing you should always be aware of when designing a website is to, and I can’t stress this enough, is to make a good first impression. Our services include top 10 SE rankings, Pay per Click (PPC) targeted traffic campaign, Paid Listing Management, Keyword Advertising, website development and designing.Choose a HTML Editor before you can begin designing your new website, you will need a piece of software called a HTML Editor or sometimes called Web Editor. One week, for example, you could be networking, another designing a leaflet, another distributing it, and another updating your website. For more details go to When designing your website, pay attention to the following: Since the online community is generally impatient, your homepage must be able to capture the visitors’ attention within the first few seconds, or they are likely to lose interest quickly and leave your website. So in a way it’s not designing the website that counts but how the website is designed. Even though there are certain things which you would love to see on your website, there are other things that you need to take into consideration when you go through Website designing. This detail applies even when you are designing a personal website.

Wednesday 14 January 2009

The Right Way To Go About MLM

It wouldn’t be a shock to anyone if I said that MLM companies have earned a less-than perfect reputation. It’s more than simple to find all sorts of stories from people who have joined a company with the promises of making tons of money while working from home and getting to spend much more time with their family. – And those stories typically end with this: Their “business” crashed head first into the ground. They’ll shout to the heavens about the flawed system or the “scam” of MLM companies, saying all they’re full of is empty promises and false hope. They’ll tell you how they were shown all of these incredibly wealthy and successful people who made all sorts of money with their own business, and then speak of how their business couldn’t even get off the ground.
One question we must ask ourselves is this: Has network marketing and MLM fairly earned this reputation? Is it really the business of the scam artists, all who are eagerly waiting for anyone who will come in and join them, only to fail? No, and it’s irrational to think so. There is no argument in that the vast majority of people who start up their own home business quit at astoundingly common rates, but this doesn’t have to be the case. This statistic says nothing of the failures and downfalls of the MLM system, it merely reveals that almost everyone who starts up their own home business is not ready and capable to do so.
Why don’t we dig a little deeper, and apply some logic to the situation to see what is really going on? To do so, I’m first going to ask a question: If I took at random forty people who worked at average, normal day jobs and put them in charge of any kind of business that was their responsibility to run, do you think that business would immediately flourish? Of course not. The problem is they have what I like to call the “Follow the instructions” mindset, and most people have it. It has its own strengths – it creates very effective problem solvers, people who are able to, once given a direction or set end goal, find the most efficient way to achieve those ends. What it takes to start a business from the ground up, however, is an Entreprenuerial mindset, which is something completely different. In normal circumstance, people without an Entreprenuerial mindset don’t tend to actually start their own businesses – it requires far too much risk and capital to do so. What we see is the people who don’t immediately have what it takes are in a sense “weeded out,” whereas MLM is open to anyone at the cost of literally almost no capital whatsoever. We therefore see, in MLM, an increased amount of people trying to run a business who would not ordinarily have thought themselves capable.
What do you think happens to these people? Do you think they spontaneously experience a paradigm shift and know how to build a business from the ground up? No. MLM requires a completely different mindset altogether. A person has to be able to find direction when none is given, able to recognize achievement in all its forms. A “follow the instructions” mindset gives a person a path through a forest and enables them to widen it, smoothen it, make it look better, make it easier to travel, or make it more effective – an entrepreneurial mindset enables a person to actually cut the path. I can’t tell you how many people I have seen who were so willing to work on their new business, who wanted more than anything to do something, anything, to make it grow. The only problem is, no one was giving them directions, there is no one delegating work to anyone in MLM. The result? Hard workers eventually quit, not because they are lazy, but because they just can’t see what needs to be done, and if they do, they simply don’t stick with it long enough.
So far we’ve recognized the two mindsets and what each of them are needed for. Maybe, however, you want to get started in MLM, and you’ve worked a 9 to 5 all your life. You’ve never had to run or create a business before. Does this mean you’re not cut out for MLM? Certainly not. Notice I’ve been using the words “mindset” and “paradigm.” No person is born into this world knowing how to build a million dollar business – it’s something they learn to acquire, it’s a way of thinking that they are conditioned to. Anyone can change their mindset. It’s a process of learning to look at things differently, change your perspective. The trick is that you have to condition yourself. It’s something that goes against human nature – we like to look at things the way we are accustomed to, and we don’t like change very much. It takes a lot of patience and perseverance, but if you stick with it, not only will it make you a much more capable business person, but it will also broaden your view of the world.
Let’s talk about this mindset. I mentioned before persistence, and persistence is a key theme in the entrepreneurial mindset. It’s something that comes naturally to some people, and others struggle with it – but do you want to know the simplest way to build persistence? Faith. Belief. Let me give you an example: Picture yourself on one end of a football field, and covering that field are thousands of upside-down paper cups. It’s your job to overturn each cup, one by one, until you find the 2,000 dollars cash that’s under one of them. You go about your task, turning each cup over and looking under it. If the money was a long way away from you, you’d have a long way to go and a lot of cups to overturn. Now, what do each of those cups represent to you? When you turn one over to find it empty, do you consider it a failure? No. You consider it progress. Each empty cup is you overturn is one cup behind you and puts you one cup closer to the prize. When you’ve overturned 200 cups, you don’t spend your time lamenting over 200 wasted cups, 200 wasted opportunities – you’re building yourself up, because you are 200 cups closer than where you started. Why? Because you have faith that the money is out there – there’s not a question in your mind. You believe. This is a principle of entrepreneurialism I like to call it Progression. It’s the mindset of recognizing progress based on faith. When I got started marketing, it was my job to call hundreds of people at a time to market a product to them. As you can imagine, 99% of them turned me down. I may have gone fifty or a hundred calls without a sale. I was telling this to my grandmother, and she looked at me and said, “That’s disappointing, isn’t it?” I looked right back and said “Gosh no. I know that one person is out there, so this means I’m one hundred calls closer to them.” When you start your own business, things are going to happen slowly, and you’re going to have to be able to recognize the difference between failure and progression. Believe it or not, they appear to be very similar.
As I have already stated, the most important key to Progression is having faith. If you truly believe there is money underneath one of those cups, you will turn cups over until your face is blue. What would you do though if you didn’t believe? What if you really had no idea if there were any form of prize beneath one of those cups? With each and every empty cup you found, you’d grow more and more worried, less and less positive. So how do you have that kind of faith? It’s really quite a simple answer. You educate yourself. If you are well educated and informed upon what your current situation and opportunity is, and you know that what you have is a great situation to start a business in, you will have all the faith in the world in your own ability to create success. Get informed and enlightened on what to look for when you join a network marketing company. Finding the perfect opportunity not only will help your business grow rapidly, you will have endless confidence in it. Make sure to do your homework before starting a home business. Talk to different distributors from different companies, talk to customers of the products each company produces. Join a company that you have trust and faith in, and use rational, logical thought to analyze the very best opportunity.
One of the biggest things you need to make certain you avoid is what I call the “Vacuum of Normalcy.” Most people just call this the inability to think outside the box. This Vacuum of Normalcy is extraordinarily simple to get caught up in, and stems from limiting yourself to only one train of thought. Whenever something drastically new or ground-breaking emerges, I couldn’t even count how many people thumb their nose up at it, never considering just how incredible it might prove to be. The internet is a perfect example. When the internet really shot out into the homes of average citizens, most people working their 9 to 5s didn’t pay much heed to it. – The internet, they thought, was for computer geeks. They stayed “safe” in their vacuum, clinging to the familiar concepts of the work they’d always counted on. A select few didn’t, though. They looked into their options and quickly took advantage of the amazing thing the internet brought their way. Take Ebay, for example. The thought of online auctions is nothing new nowadays, but someone initially took that idea and ran with it. – And I think we all know exactly how Ebay is doing now. I refer to the Vacuum of Normalcy as a vacuum because of two reasons: 1, it sucks people in and is very hard to break out of. People feel safe with familiarity, and that’s a very hard habit to shake. And 2, it’s a place of stagnant nature where new and innovative ideas are stifled and snuffed out.
MLM is an incredible opportunity. It can offer you a lifestyle that most would kill to have. The problem is that most people don’t really understand how different it is from the standard 9 to 5, and they don’t realize that, even though it’s done cheaply and simply, it is still starting a business and requires the right kind of mindset. Network Marketing is no free ride. Like anything else worth having, it takes hard work and dedication, and you have to be willing to change the way you look at things. If you can stick with it, however, a truly amazing lifestyle is yours for the taking.

Monday 12 January 2009

Most Important Rules of Money Management

The lack of money is often not our problem, it is the way we spend it. Wealthy people tend to spend money on things that increase in value or provide them with a return on their investment. People who are not wealthy spend the bulk of their money on items that perish, depreciate or have no return on their investment. Even the family home, which is often the most expensive item that most people purchase, usually provides no return on their large capital outlay. There is one main reason why people get themselves into financial difficulties. They simply spend more than they earn. The two ways of increasing wealth is to either increase our income, or decrease our expenditure. Unfortunately, through increased exposure to advertising and access to products, we are constantly enticed into having more and more material possessions. The easiest way to resist this temptation is to establish a plan where we always save a little of our income and learn to control our debt. If we do this consistently and regularly, we will eventually form a habit - a good, lasting habit that will overcome our financial difficulties and lead us to financial freedom. Money is there to provide security, satisfaction and joy in our lives, and we can have some of life’s little luxuries along the way. However, while we are learning to manage our finances, we need to control our spending and allocate our money according to our needs. Initially, this means we may have to eliminate wastage and extravagance, and identify the things we really need to lead happy, fulfilling lives. We need to remain conscious around our spending. We need to remind ourselves that every cent we spend - does count! Initially, this may mean we have to cut back a little, but it is only directed at wastage and extravagance. I believe that extravagance and over-spending is just the other side of the ’scarcity’ coin. It is often the belief that there is not enough that leads us into buying too much. It requires a mature, practical approach, which is within all of us, to become great financial managers. A little planning, a little discipline and often a bit of self-talk are all that is required. It just takes a moment to stop and remind ourselves to think long-term, not short-term. Th
e trick to economising is actually quite simple. Before you part with your money, always ask, "Do I really need this? Will I end up wasting this? Is this an extravagance I can live without?" If you develop a little voice in your head every time you go shopping that asks you these three simple questions, and you listen to and obey the answers, you will automatically start to economise. Economising is not about living frugally. It is not about being miserly and not sharing your money. It is not about penny pinching and living without the things you really need. Economising is simply about not wasting your money, not being extravagant and not buying things you cannot afford. Here are a few ideas to help resist the urge to spurge: 1. Keep focusing on your long-term financial goals. 2. Prepare a monthly actual-to-budget variance analysis of where you spent your money. This may seem tedious but it always works wonders. Initially we may have good intentions but as time progresses, temptation can take over. If we see how we fared with our spending each month, it pulls us back a little. If we don’t see it, we tend to forget and the overspending can easily get away from us. 3. Carry a small card in your wallet detailing your budget for luxury items. When that is spent - stop, and wait until next month. 4. Only buy what you need. Remember, wastage and extravagances are just the other side of the scarcity coin. 5. Learn to nurture yourself in less expensive ways. A $30 massage may be better than that $200 new dress. 6. Set up a separate savings account to reward yourself with the occasional luxury fantasy, maybe a weekend at some fabulous retreat. By putting away small amounts of your budget, you can save up for those sensational rewards rather than fritter it away on useless $5 or $10 items each week. There is always the tendency to spend when we should be saving. The surplus money comes in and our automatic response is to go out and spurge. This is the very behaviour we need to address before we can become financial stable. We need to keep reminding ourselves of the one of the most important rules of money management: "Spend less than you earn", and then - and only then - can we surge ahead along the path to financial freedom.

Wedding Photography -- Photographing The Groom And His Friends

The focal point of the ceremony has always been the bride. The guests’ anticipation of her walk down the aisle and her being giving away are wrapped in long-recognized tradition. Many wedding photographers cater to this expectation by devoting as much time as possible to her. The pictures they take strive to capture her emotion on what is arguably the most important day of her life. That said, the groom and his groomsmen can often provide a completely different type of emotion to wedding photography. Brides, Bridesmaids, And Tradition There is an unparalleled beauty to ladies who are preparing for the ceremony. The bride and her bridesmaids set aside an enormous amount of time in order to create the perfect image. Their hair, makeup, and dresses support a certain refinement in their mannerisms. To wedding photographers who have been tasked with capturing that beauty, the refinement can be both alluring and limiting. It conveys memorable emotion and beauty, but often lacks the intensity that the groom and his groomsmen bring to photographs. An Unexpected Treasure The hours leading up to a wedding ceremony are normally filled with emotions and nervous energy. Men and women express both in entirely different ways. It’s not uncommon for men to share their excitement and nervousness with each other by participating in a number of shenanigans. While women tend to remain relatively reserved before the event, the atmosphere surrounding men is more akin to a party. These moments provide unique photo opportunities for wedding photographers. Capturing the groom in his element with his groomsmen before the ceremony can create photojournalistic treasures that tell a completely different story than those featuring the bride and her bridesmaids. Both sides feel the same level of nervousness. But, the manner in which it manifests can offer extraordinary shots
. Capturing Both Sides Men are often more willing to release their inhibitions than women. The juxtaposition between how their emotions manifest throughout the ceremony allows attentive wedding photographers to capture images that tell two sides of a story. The emotions of both the groom and bride are evident, but can present in contrasting ways. A smile of unsuppressed joy on one may be matched with tears of happiness on the other. Both sides are essential to the telling of a single tale. Unpredictable Photojournalistic Moments Having an innate understanding of men will allow professional wedding photographers to document fleeting moments of emotion and playfulness. When left to their own devices during the reception, the groom and his friends will often provide inimitable photo opportunities. Singing in unison to the bride, tossing the groom into the air, and other uniquely playful displays happen quickly and unpredictably. Once they’re gone, they’re gone forever; if those moments can be documented, the pictures can tell the story for years. The Makings Of A Memorable Story The bond that is shared by a groom and his groomsmen is worlds apart from that shared by a bride and her bridesmaids. Wedding photographers who can identify the quirks and connections in that bond, and remain attentive for them, can uncover startling photojournalistic opportunities. What’s more, if they can establish their own rapport with the groom and his friends, they’ll have an additional level of access for capturing unique shots. The hours before, during, and after the ceremony lay the groundwork for documenting a captivating love story. Wedding photographers who take the time to look deeper beneath the surface of tradition can find moments of surprising emotion and joy among the men. The male bond can provide an unforgettable dynamic to the story.

Your Rights In A DUI

Driving while either intoxicated or drunk is dangerous and drivers with high blood alcohol content (BAC) are at increased risk of car accidents, highway injuries and vehicular deaths. Prevention measures evaluated include license suspension or revocation, impounding or confiscating vehicle plates, enforcing open container bans, increasing penalties such as fines or jail for drunk driving, mandating education for young people, and lowering legal BACs. Also discussed are safety seat belts, air bags, designated drivers, and effective practical ways to stay sober.Volunteer to be a designated driver. Never condone or approve of excessive alcohol consumption. Intoxicated behavior is potentially dangerous and never amusing. Don't ever let your friends drive drunk. Take their keys, have them stay the night, have them ride home with someone else, call a cab, or do whatever else is necessary - but don't let them drive! There are about 25,000 deaths a year, be careful with your friends and family in the car.
It is an unfortunate occurrence, however, in some cases, DUI rights are overlooked when you are arrested and charged for driving under the influence. Overlooking a person’s DUI rights is far too common and we are at a place in society where DUI rights are considered to be generally non-existent.
Regardless of why you are arrested or what you are charged with, you are innocent until proven guilty and your DUI rights should be continued, exercised and protected.
The most basic of your DUI rights is the right to representation (a lawyer or attorney). In many cases, the police will not acknowledge your right to representation, the protection of unlawful search and seizure, and more. The DUI rights have changed considerably, mostly due to public pressure, but they still exist. It is really important that if you are charged with a DUI that you insist on exercising your DUI rights. This will help increase your chance for a fair trial as well as prevent potentially embarrassing and catastrophic social and economic consequences.
If you are charged with driving under the influence, the best thing you can do is let the police know that you know what your DUI rights are.
You can refuse a handheld breathalyzer test and a field sobriety test. Your DUI rights also allow you to refuse to answer any questions including answering how many drinks you consumed.
However, DUI rights do not allow you to refuse your identity and they do not allow you to decline field testing at the jailhouse. When you are booked, ensure that you exercise your DUI rights and make a phone call to a friend, loved one who can find you a lawyer, or to the attorney themselves.
There are plenty of attorneys who specialize in DUI laws that are the best suited to represent you if you are charged with a DUI. Driving under the influence is a serious offense and can lead to many charges being laid against you, other than just DUI in some cases. A specialist lawyer in DUI law is the best person capable of representing you and ensuring that you get a fair trial.
Driving under the influence charges can be expensive and the consequences can be long lasting. Not only do you face criminal charges, you will also be fined, have to pay an attorney and maybe even lose your license. There are also long-term consequences to be charged with driving under the influence, and that can include severely raised insurance premiums or no insurance at all. While having an attorney is an additional expense, it is one you can ill-afford not to have – it could save you a great deal of time, money and heartache.
Your DUI rights are important – they are designed to prevent you from being charged falsely. In order to properly discuss your DUI rights, you should contact an attorney who specializes in DUI laws to help you.

Sunday 11 January 2009

Natural Way To Reduce Stress

Stress is the emotional and physical strain caused by our response to pressure from the outside world. Common stress reactions include tension, irritability, inability to concentrate, and a variety of physical symptoms that include headache and a fast heartbeat.
It's almost impossible to live without some stress. And most of us wouldn't want to, because it gives life some spice and excitement. But if stress gets out of control, it may harm your health, your relationships, and your enjoyment of life.
When you have about a week's worth of diary entries, study them. See which of them are caused by external events (for example, other people making you late) and which are mostly caused by your own way of thinking or feeling (for example, you are worried about something that may never happen).
In some cases, you may find that stress is caused by a combination of internal and external factors. For example, you might be worried about the cost of fixing the car, and make it worse by blaming yourself for not earning more money.
Experts say that stress is normal thing, and we can agree: daily life is sometimes filled by things you dislike. Stress is something natural. Though, we would feel better if we can deal with those sources of stress, so that we can make our days feel better. Moreover, we can handle our stressing situations without relying too much to pills. Coping with those sources, we have greater opportunity to deal with stress in natural ways, reduce usage of chemical substances; in short, live a healthy lifestyle (LOHAS, lifestyle of health and sustainability).
Get rid of the sources as many as possible. If your desk is messed with scattered papers, rearrange them. If something disheartens on the way to your daily workplace, try to take another way to the same place. Sort out disordered things in your home by selecting the useful ones and throwing away the things that bother you. Make your life simple by eliminating those complicated things.
Be a realistic one. It's a good idea what are your more-and-less habits. You don't have to make a too-high goals for yourself, you too are able to cut down the laziness or too-slow habit that eventually will make you feel guilty. Make a list and try to set a happy daily targets.
Predict some stressing situations, and evade them. If you are asked by friend to play chess and you feel it would be uneasy for you, decline the invitation. If you know that chess is something stressing for you, you have no reason to play it.
Rivalry with others, whether in achievement, look or wealth is often disturbing. Try to avoid provocation on such issues and build your own setting or condition where you are in power of yourself. You don't have to do things you actually don't need to, even do it driven by envy. So, stay secure with yourself.
Do one thing in one time. When you are having your breakfast, you don't have to watch television or reading your moorning newspaper. It really helpful if you feel good in doing one thing totally, in a full enjoyment.
If you feel that you are stressed until you are physically disturbed (headaches, stomachaches or feeling restless), see the physician or therapist. There are experts to help you accurately

Water Lilies - A Touch Of Romance In The Garden

Water lilies are one of nature's marvels. All they need to thrive is water and sunlight. There are two types of water lily; hardy and tropical. When hardy water lilies bloom, the flower sits right on top of the water, while the flower of the tropical water lily is on a stem that rises above the water.
Hardy water lilies can withstand quite severe frosts if they are planted about 35 cm or more below the surface of the water. The number of blooms they have is directly related to the hours of sunshine the plant receives. They need at least half a day of sunshine to bloom successfully.
When planting water lilies, don't plant directly into the bottom of the pond, but into a wide, shallow dish. The benefits of doing this are that you will be able to give the rhizome the nutrients it needs without affecting the water quality of the pond. And you will also be able to lift and divide each one, without risking the loss of your favorite.
If they are all planted hodge-podge in the bottom of the pond the roots- which grow laterally - will become entangled. This makes it very difficult to remove the overgrown ones without the risk of losing some. It is also very messy.
With a pot, all you need to do is lift up the pot and work on it out of the water, and then replace it happy in the knowledge that you have not accidentally thrown out the roots of your favorite. Choose a pot that is about 12 cm high and 30 cm wide. Place three slow-release fertilizer tablets in the bottom of the pot and fill it three parts with a good loam that is not sandy.
Make a hole slightly off-center to plant the rhizome and make sure you pad the soil down quite hard over the top of it. Then fill the container to the top with washed sand. This will help to keep the nutrients from washing out and keep your pond water clear.
When adding water lilies to your pond, you need to allow at least half a square meter of water surface for each water lily. If you crowd them, they will not grow well and your fish will be unhealthy due to lack of sunlight. Water lilies will increase, so should be divided every two years.
Water lilies will flower from November to March in southern states; longer in the north. You can get white, pinks, apricot, lemon, yellow and even vivid red flowers in water lilies, so there should be something to suit every taste.
Its a matter of taste, but what I do like is to create a magical atmosphere by adding a little light. One or two solar powered lights that illuminate the leaves and flowers indirectly. Dawn on a late summer morning is especially beautiful, especially when the warm water forms a little haze over the water. A sense of intens wisdom floating over the waters

Friday 9 January 2009

Accounting Software for Your Small Business!

If you’re anything like me then you dislike with a vengeance doing your accounts and taxes.
So how can you make this process easier, less painful and cut your accountancy fees?
Well buying an accounting software package is one way.
First of all you need to decide whether you are going to keep your accounting records manually, that is using pen and paper, or whether you are going to computerize the process.
If you decide that computerizing the process is the way to go then you need to decide whether to buy an accounting software package, for example Sage or Quicken, or whether a spreadsheet, for more details visit to such as Microsoft Excel will suit your needs better.
As a general rule if you are a cash business that just needs to record income and expenditure then you are better off using a spreadsheet.
So, should you choose an accounting software package? Yes if:
• You have customers to whom you extend credit and you buy goods in the same way
• You process in excess of 50 transactions per month
• Your business is an Incorporated Company (Limited Company in the UK)
• You are computer literate or are willing to learn!
Before choosing the accounting software, speak to your accountants – they will be familiar with the various accounting software packages on the market and will be able to advise you. Most accountants use software in their office
to process the bookkeeping for their clients and will have a working knowledge of the accounting software package they use. It may be cheaper for you to use the same one they do, for more details visit to because they can advise you how to get it up and running and will be on hand to answer questions, plus at your financial year end when your accounts need preparing it will be less expensive, believe me to have a compatible program.
I also recommend doing some research yourself, you may be able to obtain a demonstration disk or download of the most popular accounting software packages and this will give you an idea of how they work and if they are user-friendly.
The cost may also be an issue, so you need to decide on your budget. But consider how your business is likely to expand - you may outgrow that budget accounting software quickly and end up buying the more expensive one anyway.
Accounting software providers may also try and up-sell you a maintenance contract. Save your money! In my experience the established software providers will not have bugs in their systems. They will also try and upgrade you to the next version on a regular basis, but if the software is doing everything you need then there is no need to upgrade.
Of course, you could also pay someone to do your accounts for you, either your accountant or a bookkeeper

Living on a budget-shoestring in Phuket

A little bit about Phuket

The island of Phuket is known as the Pearl of the Andaman Sea because of it beautiful pearl like shape. It was originally famous for tin mining and rubber, Chinese coolies arrived at the island in the 17th and 18th Century to work on the mines and there is still a hint of Chinese influence here today which can be found in some of the old town’s architecture and Island’s food. The main beach areas include Patong beach and Karon Beach and as ever, these beautiful palm fringed beaches of squeaky white sands that stretch for miles serve as a wonderful reminder of the natural beauty that Phuket so rightly claims.

Discount Phuket Thailand? What about the hotels?

As for the shoestring guides, Phuket, Thailand is no exception to these, there are good guides for the nigh-on destitute traveler who wants to spend the least amount of money and still live relatively well in a reasonable hotel. Easily done, let’s first look at some of the rules to shoestring travelling in Phuket.
1. Choose the off-season, which would be around May; the start of the rainy season. And decide on a cheap airline to get you there. (This of course does not guarantee the usual airline safety, but it will get you there-eventually.)
2. Check out the internet for all budget and discount hotels in the Phuket area, you will be surprised by how many websites are available.
3. When you arrive at Phuket airport, you’ll notice one of the great things that will surprise you about Thailand (compared with other countries) that is the availability of cheap budget transport to anywhere or any hotel you want to go. It is all well organized, from bicycle rickshaws, to discount limousine taxis although my personal favourite and thrill is the motorbike taxi. (They don’t ride that fast and you have the handles on the back to hold onto- no helmet necessary).
4. After you have found your budget hotel and booked in for a few nights as a trial run. You will find it easy to change hotels if you don’t like where you are. Next on the agenda of shoestring travelling is budget food.
5. You will find cheaper and better food if you keep away from the main hotel and tourist drag. Most touristy places offer lower service and mediocre food for a higher price. The ones off the main streets will be trying that much harder to get business, hence a better product. The ideal good restaurant would be one which is slightly secluded but not completely empty. The old rule of “if there are no customers, there’ll be no turnover”. Is one worth thinking about.
6. Souvenir buying: as with restaurants and food, you will get a better bargain if you choose somewhere off the main tourist centers. However, the less customers around anyway, the better the bargaining power. Don’t be afraid to offer what you think it’s worth, then walking off if they don’t accept. I usually use the old “flash the cash to seal the deal” trick-it works every time.

The rainy season in Phuket does happen to be the low season here, but don’t discount this. You will be pleasantly surprised by how good the weather gets-lots of sun and the occasional storm and rain shower which actually makes up for everything by creating beautiful scenic landscapes of the Phuket mountains and seas for wonderful camera fodder.
If you are tired of living on a shoestring there is always a night or two at the Horizon Karon Beach Resort and Spa hotel located at the southern end of the beach and just a two minute walk from the famed Kata beach. The resort hotel is surrounded by lush green vegetation and nature and is set on over 16,000 sqm. of green park land. Still relatively undeveloped, Karon Beach and the resort hotel is your own “private paradise”. This hotel offers discounts for the budget traveler and shops and restaurants are also within easy walking distance for all you need.

How You Choose Affiliate Marketing for Yourself?

Affiliate marketing has many descriptions, yet all have the same basic meaning. Affiliate marketing is a huge business on the Internet. For many years now, affiliate marketing has proved to be a cost-efficient method of delivering excellent results. It has become famous as an Internet business that those who are trying to make extra income can work with.Every day, more people get interested in affiliate marketing and want to make money with it. For more detail go to: But in many cases, these new affiliates do not fully understand the affiliate world and make costly mistakes .Affiliate marketing has often been misunderstood. One of the common misconceptions about affiliate programs is that they will make you money with little or no effort on your part. Another is that affiliate marketing is not in any way linked with advertising. The importance of advertising in marketing is not to be underestimated. Advertising, like selling, is one of the many activities used in running a successful affiliate business.In affiliate marketing, an affiliate is compensated for every visitor, subscriber and/or customer provided through his efforts. Compensation is based on a certain value for each visit or sale made by the affiliate. The most attractive aspect of affiliate marketing from the merchant's viewpoint is that no payment is due an affiliate until the affiliate produces a sale.The merchant can be any website owner who wants to take advantage of performance based marketing. The benefits to the merchant are many. For more detail go t
o: First, the merchant maintains and operates the affiliate program. The merchant has access to markets and customers without spending valuable time acquiring them directly. It is also the merchant who decides how much he is willing to pay for each sale that results from a visitor sent from an affiliate.The affiliate or the affiliate marketer also sees a lot of benefits. The affiliate is a website owner who promotes one or more merchants and their affiliate programs. Affiliate marketing can generate a full-time income for the affiliate.But this is not an easy task to accomplish. The affiliate needs to have a full understanding with the merchant as far as what the commission will be, the expected payment method and the time involved in the contract. The affiliate also has the responsibility to advertise the merchandise that their customer base would be most interested in.For example, if the site has a customer base of mainly stay-at-home mothers, then online programs such as surveys could be a good match for them. This group would also appreciate direct links to children's products .Merchandisers often provide targeted, best-seller items and personal support to their affiliate. They often offer sales promotions that will benefit the merchandiser as well as the affiliate.Affiliate marketing is a great situation for both the merchandiser and the affiliate. If they work together, there can be advantages for both. Plus, it is an easy and inexpensive way to start, and you can be up and running within a few days

Wednesday 7 January 2009

7 Steps to Boost Any Online Diet

When starting an online diet, it is wise to realize that there are some simple steps you can take to make any online diet more effective. These 7 steps have been proven time and again by dieters in any online diet of their choice.
Step 1: Setting Realistic Goals
The fastest way to fail is to set unrealistic goals for yourself before you even start your online diet. Honestly answering the following will help you set realistic goals
What do you expect to achieve from online dieting?
How much weight do you expect to lose and at what pace?
Small goals are easier to fulfill along the way are to best at keeping you motivated. Unrealistic goals are impossible to live up to and will only derail the success of your online diet.
Step 2: Advance Preparation is Vital
Time to get serious about the food you have at home. Your new lifestyle means getting rid of junk foods such as sodas, candy, chips, ice cream and the like need to be tossed. View them as poison to your success. Start stocking up on quality foods such as vegetables, fruits, healthy snacks, mineral waters and vitamins and minerals supplements. What you should be eating will be outlined in your online diet and most tell you how and in what proportions they should be consumed.
Step 3: Reward Yourself Along the Way
As you reach your predetermined goals along the way, celebrate your success. Do something fun or buy something (no binge eating junk foods!) just for you to mark the event in your memory. Let%u2019s face it, you have just make history!
Step 4: Do Not Skip a Healthy Breakfast
Many people skip breakfast because they think they just don't have the time for it. You will have the time if you make it. Plan for breakfast the night before and be sure to get up 15min.earlier so as not to rush through it. A small balanced breakfast will do wonders to keep you energized until lunch. You will also be able to resist those doughnuts that everyone else is eating at work.
Step 5: Be Sure to Get Some Exercise
Make this an enjoyable routine and it will become second nature to you. Exercise is essential to boost your metabolism, increasing weight loss and toning or even building fat burning mussels. Also happens to be the key to building strong heat and lung function. If you have problems with this step get a companion to exercise with you. Can't find anyone? How about a dog, they just love to exercise!
Step 6: Get Enough Sleep
Always get enough sleep during your online diet program. 7-8 hours is a must. Athletes often try to get as much as 10. You won't need that, but it shows how much sleep is need for an active person. Enough sleep in an integral part of any successful online diet. Don't cut any corners here!
Step 7: Set Aside Time for Relaxation
Each day, be sure to include this with your online diet. You owe it to yourself. You will be releasing any stress you have built up so far during the day. This will help you to focus on the balance of the day. We are not talking about taking a 2 hour nap here but rather just stopping for 20- 30 minutes to meditate or just to take a deep breath or two (snooze).
Implementing these 7 steps will bring results immediately. Make them an every day part of your new life style and the success of your online diet is assured!